Looking Local despite being foreign

[Wow, just...wow,] Hurricroak applauded.

[I don't know if I should be impressed or severely disappointed right now.]

[I am not gonna lie...that was the fastest I have ever seen anyone fold in my entire existence, and I'm pretty sure I've been only been alive for a few months at most,] Razorstella remarked, [even our lord's granddaddy has more spine than this, holy shit.]

[This isn't necessarily a bad development, although...,] Nepherage trailed off, [if this is how people here react to obvious displays of power, then I fear how they'll react when our lord is present.]

[Por que?,] Hurricroak asked.

[Our lord doesn't exactly exert standard aether pressure, remember?]

[Oh shit, right...then how come we can?]

[I don't know, but I'm sure the duo back home can give us an explaination later. For now let's go and inform our lord the news.]

