An intermission before the final trip

[Master Zhen Liu, may I have a word?]

'Huh? What's up, Arachnidame?'

[By my estimations, you and the others should be in Roaring Tide right now, Pearl Scale Harbor, correct?]

'Yup. We're actually almost done unloading the stuff. All we gotta do now is wait for the caravan.'

[Excellent, in that case, would it be possible for you to open a gate so that I may come over to peruse the Roaring Tide markets? The children back home are behaving quite well and are a little bit bummed out that they couldn't go and see Roaring Tide themselves. So I wanted to surprise them with something from there as a reward of sorts..]

'...surprise them with what?'

[Some form of desserts or unusual knick-knack that could only be found on Roaring Tide, that kind of thing.]

'Ah...not gonna lie, the last few conversations we had, I had assumed you wanted to come over and acquire some form of rare poison or assassination tool to use as a teaching aide.'