Who can take the sunshine...

"By the Holy Mother, what the fuck was that all about?," Elsa grumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

One minute, she was dropping blood on top of a sugar statue next to her old military medals, the next, that kaijin lord guy straight up flash banged her with a weird blast of purple light.

"Wait, he didn't do that so he could run and-HOLY SHIT!"

As soon as her eyesight came back, Elsa was all set to determine whether or not Zhen Liu had screwed her over and respond appropriately.

Instead, she dropped her jaw as she bore witness to an unbelievable sight, namely the appearance of some kind of giant in her inner workshop.

"Wait...where did Zhen Liu go? Did he turn himself into that giant?!," Elsa exclaimed.

The reason for Elsa's exclamation was twofold.

Firstly, this was literally the first time she had ever had anyone suddenly disappear from her sixth sense entirely.