...and cover it all up in a miracle or two

'I mean... they're still my creation, sure, but...I'm not gonna be the one to...raise...order...command...the question of sentience and subservience y'all are able of achieving is still a massive question to me that makes this uncomfortable for me to explain.'

[Don't worry about it too much, milord,] Nepherage comforted, [I've seen all of the "self-help" and "philosophy" books from your world. The fact that even after ten thousand plus years and they still hadn't figure out a universal lesson for living life and the meaning of sentience, I'm pretty sure we kaijin who have only been in existence for a few months at most, won't be able to be much help either.]

'Fair enough,' Zhen Liu nodded, 'but back to the matter at hand, is it possible to have Miss Reinhart provide the name?'


<=In that case....yeah.=>


"Huh? Why'd it stop?," Elsa asked herself.