Watching the Bear and Snake

"Okay, so coffee is this beverage made of grounded up roasted beans and..."

As the two clerks of the Skyscale company made their way to try some exotic sounding coffee, Nepherage, Frosttusk, Hurricroak and Razostella did their absolute best impressions of a bunch of figures until the two human girls finally left.

[Oi, Hurricroak, those human girls gone yet?]

[Think so...yeah, no one else is around. Let's get going.]




Once the kaijin were sure that nobody else was watching them walk around like puppets without strings, they proceeded to do just that.

[Incoming gap.]

[Three, two...jump!]


Now, the reason why the kaijin were running around between rafts and being generally sneaky was due to a single suggestion by Hurricroak: proactivity.

[You guys find anything interesting in these Skyscales guys' cargo yet?,] Nepherage asked.