Punching Otters

During the moment Zhen Liu was trying to figure out how to heal Hurricroak and Zhen Shi and Frosttusk were still holding back the dragon force lightning attack...



"Direct hit!"

"Right in the face!"

"Oh that's got to hurt! Wait, is that a tooth?"

[Hey! I'm supposed to be the show-off here!]


Once Nepherage broke free from her boulder coating, she leaped out of its center and punched the Thunderscale Dragon Otter square in the face with her stony fist.

As stone fist met soft face, a powerful burst of electricity was instinctively released by the Thunderscale Dragon Otter at an intensity that would injure even a peak Aether Grandmaster in full regalia.

(Un) fortunately, the lightning did absolutely nothing in regards to injuring Nepherage.