
Hurricroak was silent as she tried to figure out the words necessary to explain what she meant by "wrong".

It took a bit of time, but Frosttusk was patient.

He understood that something was strange as explaining one's perspective on reality was...difficult to say the least.

The mammoth kaijin had plenty of time to read about the thousand or so conflicts that started over a difficulty to communicate ideologies.

Seems like things such as crusades and pogroms weren't unique to Valresta...unfortunately.

"Alright...," Hurricroak finally said after much deliberation, "have you felt hungry as of late?"



"Hmmm," Frosttusk hummed as he scratched his trunk in thought.

He didn't have trouble finding the words like Hurricroak, rather, it was just a slower process.


"That! Precisely that!"
