The Beginning of Temptation...

"Oooooh, so that's what you meant by edge lord... it's incredibly out of character."


Having spent several weeks by Zhen Liu's side at this point, Rianna had gotten used to thinking of Zhen Liu less as an enigmatic force of nature capable of controlling monsters that defied reality on the regular, and more as a somewhat dorky, glum young man that she also wanted to mount due to his impeccable singing ability.

But now, seeing him act like some sort of enigmatic villain, she discovered a whole new side of him.

A side that reminded her of those caterpillars that pretended to be much bigger and significantly more dangerous than how they actually were.

It was honestly kind of adorable.

However, as she continued to watch Zhen Liu put on airs, she recalled a comment Jin Fang had made earlier.

" mentioned that you've seen him do this before, right? Was he as edgy as he is now?"
