Groundwork laid out, time to eat and move on.

=Hmmm, so that's what happened? Interesting...better make a note of this...and probably send our lord an update to our inventory...=

|[Core of Wounded Vainglory] has mutated into [Core of Dark Ambition] please use at your earliest convenience.|

=That should do it...hmmm. Strange that an extracted desire core should mutate like this...then again, it has been a long time since a kaijin lord has brought in a desire core source to the library...well, a desire core source they weren't sleeping with...=



"Huh? What's wrong?"

"I'm...not sure how to put this...," Rianna trailed off, "but I am...weirdly disappointed..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"


As Rianna and Jin Fang watched Zhen Liu do his "devil dealer" schtick, a pervading sense of boredom began to develop in the case of the latter.