Some say Sins are like Parasites

The next day...

As the caravan packed up their stuff from the night before and got ready to get moving again, a feeling of pure and utter awkwardness could be felt amongst them.

The reason being none other than the fact that a good majority of them had eaten Ravager Otter meat in the form of hotpot, and then proceeded to act in a manner befitting such consumption.

"So...I didn't know you felt that way about her."

"Shut up."

"I mean...I knew from the times we got drunk that you did, but damn. I did not expect you and her to-"

"One more word and I swear to the Emperor, I will flay you like a fish!"

"Oh dear gods, its the oasis incident all over again!"

"Oasis incident?"

"Don't worry about it!"

Evidently, this little hotpot incident affected, predominantly, the Skyscales Company members and some members of main Zhen clan.