Long waits lead to boredom, boredom lead to madness

[Hey maestro, are you sure you didn't want to try and sneak into-I mean...join us in scouting out this city?,] Hurricroak asked, [I'm pretty sure we could've figured out some kind of sneaky trick using the key or masking your aether signature with one of us possessing you.]

'It's fine, Hurricroak. I can use this opportunity to read up on what the fuck kind of lions' den we're entering here,' Zhen Liu informed the kaijin, 'rather not get caught with my pants down because of some fucking unspoken etiquette or sensitive topic. We're already considered trouble anyways.'

[On the one hand I want to call you paranoid, but the amount of times we've been blindsided by bullshit is rather high.]



[Oh speaking of unexpected surprises,] Nepherage interjected, [what happened to Parasinner? They're still in that prison cell.]