Revisions vs Facts

[Milord, it looks like the river is starting to flow again. You better wrap up whatever you're doing before the rest of your family notices you're gone.]

'Huh? Oh, thanks Nepherage.'

[Anytime milord.]

'By the way, y'all figure out why there was a blockage?'

[Some wealthy scion accidentally got his ship knocked funny by another rich guy riding a river whale and blocked the whole path. There was a lot arguing, mostly about who was responsible for the accident and compensation and matters of honor. I think there was duel involved.]

'Ah. The usual then. Anyone die?'

[No] Razorstella answered, [I mean it was a duel, but they stopped at just...first blood?]

[I think the terms were actually, "receive this punch of mine and don't die" or something like that,] Hurricroak corrected, [basically one of those overblown defense tests.]

[Whatever it was boring. Nobody died!]

'Why...why do you sound disappointed about that?'