Long stay, longer explanation


The following scene has two languages in place, which will be represented as follows:

Tide Tongue: <<>>

Hoof Speech: ""

That is all.



The one who had greeted the scions of the Zhen Clan was a fox-like bloodliner that seemed to lean heavier on the aether beast side of things more so than his mortal side, complete with a fox-like face, ears and even a fluffy red tail.

Moments ago, the bloodliner was standing behind what was presumably the hotel's reception desk. But, when Zhen Liu and his cousins entered the establishment, the aforementioned bloodliner immediately left his post in order to greet them.

The immediate thought that came to Zhen Liu's mind as he stared at the bloodliner man was the memory of a stop-motion movie about a very clever fox stealing from some rather insidious farmers.