Howlite, the younger

[Huh...this guy seems a lot less...creepy than the Marquis de Howlite was,] Frosttusk noted, [although he does look a significantly younger version]

[And his subordinate doesn't look brainwashed...I still think we should keep an eye on him though...,] Nepherage concluded.


"Master Alvis, I do believe we have been out long enough. Don't you think your mother would be worried about you being out and about this late?," an older gentleman dressed like a butler said with worry in his voice.

"Oh it will be fine, the sun is still out," a young boy in the final years of teenagerdom retorted, "Besides, I have you here to protect me. Right, Dobin?"

"Uh, that may be true my liege, but it doesn't change the fact that you need to be careful! We don't want you getting hurt before-"

"Ooooh! That looks interesting too! Come on Dobin!," Alvis shouted as he bolted out the door of the public forge.