Picking the Wrong Fight for all the Right Reasons

<> the nobleman continued to shout while still beating the slave girl.

<> the slave girl pleaded between blows.

At this point, bruises could be seen visibly forming on the girls skin, as blood began to trickle from the side of her mouth.

"Fucking seriously?," Zhen Hai grumbled, "is nobody going to say or do anything?"

"I guess...this is considered a normal sight?," Zhen Tai suggested,

"How the fuck is any of that normal?," Zhen Guo hissed.

All around the Zhen clan scions they saw a variety of looks from the people noticing this situation, watching the scene of some upstart nobleman stomping a young girl for some minor mistake.

Looks of disdain.

Looks of fear.

Looks of disgust.

Looks of pure ambivalence.

Looks of contempt.