Changing Estimates

'Those movements...that chant...clearly they both learned the same aether art, but what type of aether art is it exactly?,' Zhen Ren Fa mused as she watched the battle between her subordinates and the "Shen" Aether masters unfold.

So far, everything was going as she had anticipated, more or less.

From the moment she had laid on eyes on "Shen Yue" and "Shen Hai", Zhen Ren Fa had determined what kind of fighters the two of them were and could tell that for all intents and purposes, they were at a disadvantage in regards to her selected fighters of Lei Zhong and Gou Huang.

The two of them managed to land lucky hits early on, sure, but in the long run, they were going to lose this fight.

"Shen Yue" had unusual lunar aether cultivation and could use a variety of strange techniques that made use of her aether to its maximum potential, but she was too balanced.