A Pitiful Fate

[Graceful Starfish Body]


A special physique that is unique to those of Roaring Tide ancestry.

This particular physique has no function in regards to enhancing aether cultivation, nor does it confer its owner any additional resistances or weaknesses beyond what their baseline mortal selves have access to.

However, there is one benefit to this particular physique: Major Regeneration.

It doesn't matter how badly wounded someone becomes, as long as they have this physique, they'll be able to heal back to peak condition in a matter of days.

A scrapped knee will take merely seconds.

A cut finger, just as short.

Even if the blessed person would lose their limbs, they would grow back in a matter of days, bones and all.

  While there is no way of knowing if this physique is hereditary, it is said that those born with is particular physique would have a birthmark shaped like a star appear on their back.