Sharp-Eyed, Crazy Yakuza-Looking Highschooler

'Alright, why is the gaze of this crazy high-schooler looking yakuza granny causing my intuition to go haywire like I'm standing next to a giant fire-breathing tiger...which I now I realize isn't that dangerous in a world like this one...,' Zhen Liu asked his brain trust of disembodied monster voices as he felt the burning gaze of the matriarch of the Zhen Clan trying to bore a hole through his head.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Zhen Liu could see how Zhen Xun Tian was not-so-subtly inspecting every last one of his family members like they were prize horses or gems waiting to be inspected. Alternatively, she was looking like a teacher picking out which grad students to be their protégé, an observation that made Zhen Liu inwardly chuckle due to how young she looked in comparison to his old looking uncles and father.

It wasn't until she stopped looking over his cousins and directly at him though that Zhen Liu became a touch more...nervous.