We can't all be brutal

  'Tsk! Damn. Looks like Yue Tai Lung failed to live up to his own hype...then again, that kid was also marked by the matriarch as being a person of interest...no matter. Just because one little fluke occurred, doesn't mean the rest of them will be able to pass. After all, we made sure to match up them with the worst possible opponents...'


'I am suddenly reminded of my late night weekends of having multiple tabs open on the computer...,' Zhen Liu thought to himself as he stared at the display showcasing all of the fights happening for the qualifier round.

For the (in)convenient reason of having all the fights divided by biomes and not lottery groups, Zhen Liu had to dart his eyes between six different spots all over the display, with the only plus side being that his cousins had somehow been divided between three biomes in groups of two.

Or rather, that was his original plan.