Against the odds and information...

Zhen Yue's underground tactics

'Well then...I hope Xiao Liu doesn't mind me using a page from his book of tricks...yeesh, how does he manage to maintain this many signatures at once?'


"Alright, where the fuck did she go?," Sun Yang muttered to himself as he kept searching through the forest, arrow notched and ready to fire whenever.

Up until a couple moments ago, Sun Yang was having a wonderful time firing arrow after aether-enhanced arrow at Zhen Yue, knowing full well that one hit was all he needed to turn that brackborn girl into a charred mess.

But then she disappeared.

As far as Sun Yang could remember from the dossier he had on the girl, Zhen Yue didn't have any stealth arts nor any stealth training, and that she tended to favor head-on confrontations albeit in a more flexible manner than her cousins.