Becoming the Heel

[Holy shit,] Nepherage said in alarm, [that was...violent.]

[Damn...that...was...brutal,] Frosttusk commented.

[Fucking apparently. I didn't even think that was possible,] Razorstella answered.

=No, no it is. Just take a look at the footage.=

[Oh...well that's just brutal,] Spring Brawler pointed out.

[Wait a minute, that's not the front of his-OH THE MAESTRO JUST BITCH SLAPPED HIS ASS,] Hurricroak excitedly observed. [Just straight up backhanded him!]

[Ah, now that's just mean.]

[I mean...we could change that...]

[Wait...aren't most people supposed to be on the floor when they get knocked out? How hard and fast did he hit him?!]

[That depends.]


[How much strength does he use when he spars with us?]

