Multiple Quest Markers

'That being said though, my arms are fucking tired as hell.'

[Our bad, maestro.]

[I'll try to dial back on stressing the artificial aether channels next time, milord.]

'Thank you.'

Zhen Liu stood over his latest victory with a slouched posture, his arms dangling out of tiredness due to channeling the power of two kaijin and two different aether arts at the same time. While this wasn't technically his first time doing this, having practiced this trick dozens of time while training, it was an entirely different matter when it was being performed on an actual opponent.

Gao Lin's [Regalia] was surprisingly tough, so much so that Zhen Liu had to expend significantly more aether than on the training dummies he usually practiced on.

Things he needed to bother Logos and Pathos about later: more realistic training scenarios...maybe.