Divide, Conquer, Win! (1)

[Oh, I grabbed the Gate Elder and this one other guy who hasn't stopped giving me and Razorstella this real funny look when we went to go get the zako. They're about at the...Aether Grandmasters level? Although, the Gate Elder has that weird blood inheritance thing going on.]

'Blood inheritance?'

[The thing that turned the zakos into stone?]

'Oh yeah...wait a minute...'

As soon as Zhen Liu was reminded that the Gate Elder apparently had weird paralysis eyeball powers, the more strategic part of his brain began to formulate a plan. Whether or not it worked would be left to fate and faith. It was better than nothing though.

[Pardon me, director, but can out the Puppet Elder's eyeballs?,] Razorstella suddenly and inexplicably asked while Zhen Liu was thinking of a plan, throwing him off for a moment.

'What the fu-no, why?'