Divide, Conquer, Win! (3)

[So you don't want us to be the ones to rescue Jin Fang because...]

'Because, Hurricroak, I need y'all to go and help my crazy tattooed age-defying monster woman of an ancestor up there to kick that prisoner's ass...that is a sentence I never thought I would say, but here we are.'

[Right...and it's not because you want to try and look cool in front of your girlfriend?]

'I...shut up.'

[That's a yes.]

=Unless her husband is also a bottom, I still contest that statement.=

'Okay, I'm just gonna-wait, what do you mean by "also"?'

<=[Don't worry about it.]=>

'I'm going to later.'


Jin Fang almost gets jumped.

"What am I doing, what am I doing, what the fuck am I doing?!," Jin Fang muttered as she kept walking across the arena's main floor.