After Battle Clean up.

Something that is never detailed in history books, is the amount of cleaning that has to be done after a major conflict has been resolved.

There are no glorious stories about bodies being buried.

Nor are there any heroic retellings of rubble and destroyed property being disposed of.

Not even a quaint little anecdote about how less scrupulous individuals would sometime pick through battlefields and scavenge from the dead and the abandoned.

It was dirty work, no doubt about that, but it was necessary.

The funny thing about these type of things though, is that while they're never remembered and written into story and song, they're always appreciated by those who had to lived through these moments.


I desperately wish that one day, no more songs or stories of "glorious wars" are written ever again.

-An excerpt from the journal of a veteran turned doctor...more specifically, a man who gave up on the idea of war.