After Battle Emotional Deflation

'And you're sure that this is our guy?'

[He's got the neck wound, he's got my scent and he's acting like he lost something important that's normally around his neck. I'm pretty sure that's him.]

'Of course he's someone who's just high enough up the totem pole that issues might arise if he's taken out...'

[So...we can't just assassinate him and make it look like a suicide?]

'Not going to address that statement, but there's a way we can take him out and have it not trace back to any of us. Just need to make use of someone...after I reunite with my family, that is.'


"Hey guys, did I miss anything?"

"Xiao Liu!"

"There you are!'

"Where have you been? I mean the puppets were useful, but still, having you around in person is preferred."

"Would you guys believe me if I said I got kidnapped and interrogated by our gangster looking ancestor while sitting in her private hot springs?"