... to share some feelings

'Huh...on the one hand, I could leave Jin Fang alone and let her process everything that had happen today on her own terms.'

=Which would be a good idea.=

'On the other, I could be a good boyfriend and at least offer to be there if she needs/wants it.'

'Okay, then...now how do I get on the roof?'

=May I suggest getting some warm beverages, first? It is awfully cold out there.=

'That's a good call...let's hope Gao Ren has decent cocoa powder...'


'Well...this has been a rather eventful day,' Jin Fang mused as she stared over the cityscape of Willow Scale, the moon, the stars and the lanterns being the only sources of illumination. 'Then again...eventful is putting it lightly.'