As the Hammer Rang Out

Outside looking in, the Zhen Clan scions were rather perplexed as to what Zhen Liu was doing to Zhen Guo at this moment.

One minute, he's coordinating a sneak attack that would, in his words, "create an opening to fix their cousin's brain," the next, he was manhandling the man with the help of his jade warrior lady puppet. And then, after the aforementioned manhandling, Zhen Liu proceeded to grab Zhen Guo's hammer holding hand and began to do...something with it.

They assumed he was either breaking or absorbing the curse, honestly it could've been either or given their cousin's track record as of late. The only indication that something was happening though was the sign of tears forming in the corner of Zhen Liu's eyes.

"Wait...ya think maybe he's getting injured by that hammer on a spiritual level?"

"Spiritual? Not mental?"