[Curses] are [Desires]

The battle between the metalsmith and his former [friend/lover] wasn't pretty, to say the least.

It was violent.

It was brutal.

It was...necessary.

It's often been said that when warriors clash with one another, that the emotions and desires that they carry in their hearts become evident in their strikes.

If one were to watch this battle unfold, they'd be able to feel the anger of having been hurt, the anguish of solitude and the sorrow of separation in every exchange.

Eventually though, all battles must come to an end.

"Please...just die."

The metalsmith managed to make an opening, not one meant to deliver a pointless fatal blow that wouldn't even kill his old friend anyways, but one meant to destroy the very weapon he had helped to make him for in the first place.



"And now...we both go."