Unable to Alibi...almost...

[Oh. Looks like the ringmaster figured out somebody was watching him...I should probably make use of this moment...that or watch as this guy goes insane...I can do both.]


'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,' Zhen Jun Yao cursed to himself as he began to wrap his head around on what exactly just happened. Out of a mix of panic and worry, Zhen Jun Yao made sure to step away from the scrying mirror as he didn't want to risk getting it with a second round.

'How the fuck did that brackborn mutt managed to do that?!'

One moment, he and Elder Zhen Tinh were in the middle of being flabbergasted as to how the brackborn branch managed to survive a cursed treasure attack, the next, the aforementioned elder was laid out on his desk because of a surprise attack that came through the scrying mirror.