
Having wrapped up his visit to Zhen Jun Yao, Zhen Liu opted to simply wait outside of the medical hall while Matriarch Zhen Xun Tian finished her own visit with Elder Zhen Tinh.

Zhen Liu had no idea who this guy was exactly, or what he looked like, but he already had a bad feeling about the man due to the incident involving his new hammer.

A part of Zhen Liu wanted to thank the old bastard for providing him such a useful new weapon, while another part of him wanted to cave their skull in. Unsurprisingly, the kaijin wanted to do that latter option.

[Are you sure you don't want us to exact beautiful, bloody revenge on the old fogey, maestro?,] Hurricroak asked. [I'm pretty sure in his current state, one good twist of my claws and his neck would snap like a dry noodle. Quick and painless with an option to claim a fresh trophy afterwards.]

'I'd rather not do that.'