Jumping the Waterfall

An old legend once stated, that if a carp was to climb a certain waterfall coming from a certain mountain, they would be able to transform into a dragon at the very top of it, passing through an area referred to as the "Dragon Gate".

This idea is often used in regards to students whenever exam season comes around, students being carp while the exams represent the Dragon Gate.

That said...I think it'd be fair to say that everyone has their own version of a Dragon Gate, that can come in a variety of forms.

A difficult life decision that would have lasting repercussions.

A comely person nobody has the guts to ask out on a date, out of fear of being either rejected or humiliated. 

Or even something as simple as walking through an open door, because they're too afraid to leave their homes.

But this leads to another question in regards to carps and their Dragon Gates.