Luxury Liner Nimona

'Hang on...did you just make a pun about Zhen Liu's kaijin fashion sense?," Rianna asked Jinju Ren while Jin Fang was deep in thought.

"I...huh...guess I did! Oh hey, looks like they're wrapping up."


"Wait? That's all you need us to do? That's super easy!"

"Glad to hear it!"

With his business involving Rodenia and Kit now settled, Zhen Liu and company decided that now was the best time to get out of the candy store and back to their lodgings with the rest of the clan for the evening.

Of course, Zhen Liu made sure to dismiss the kaijin before leaving and buy some candy on his way out. Partially out of personal desire, partially out of wanting to repay Elsa and Kit for keeping an eye on Rodenia for gods know how long.

As for what he needed Rodenia and Kit to do while he was back on Stampeding Bison...that's a story for another time.
