Uncertainty Brawl

"Also, they're walking, talking anomalous warriors that are borderline indestructible and make it a point to laugh in the face of danger in a very a literal sense," Zhen Liu lightly boasted. "I'm fairly certain they can handle whatever comes their way without my supervision...maybe."

"Are you saying that to assure me or yourself?"



[What's going on? Why am I simultaneously alerted and relaxed?]

[I don't know, but it's making me nervous and calm.]


Screamira, Frosttusk and Spring Brawler were perplexed as they could simultaneously feel the presence of something that felt like a cat being in the room as them, but at the same time, felt as if there was nobody else in the room.

Well, nobody else except for themselves and the gaggle of people they left unconscious on the floor.