Sampling Strange

'Razorstella, Hurricroak, where did you two go off to?'

[Oh, hey maestro! Sharp star and I we're just sharing a drink after we broke your cousin's heart. Man, that sounded awful now that I...wait, is it still "say it out loud" or would I be using "thought it out loud"? Communicating is weird.]

[In reverse order, I believe "thought out loud" is more accurate given our lack of actually needing to physically talk, and did you seriously use a series of synonyms of my name for a nickname?]

[More or less.]

[I...I can't tell if this is a pun or just plain cringe.]

[Probably the latter ]

'Alright, that's enough banter,' Zhen Liu interjected before this conversation devolved into a full-blown comedy skit.

'I just wanted to check in on you two since there were about a dozen assassins assassins on this ship, and I'm about to drag them into the Library for information purposes. Y'all wanna come?'

[We'll be over shortly.]

'Excellent '