...Has a Tendency to Linger

Draigo let out a deep sigh after revealing to Mrs.Faithsong the reason for his staring, his constant gazing at the crowd before him. And in return, the matron of the tavern couldn't help but look at the man with a hint of relatable sadness in her eyes.

Nothing made one more sympathetic to another's plights and woes, other then having experienced that same pain, after all. A part of her wanted to try and comfort this fellow widower by any means necessary...but another part of her felt that it was wrong to do so.

"Well, it doesn't matter right now though," Draigo said as he mentally prepared himself to play another night while opening the case to one of his instruments.

"Right now, I got a show to put on."

"Not using your shamisen for tonight? Are you trying something new?"

"Something...old, actually. I used to play this in private in order to practice this one song."

"What's it about?"

"You'll understand when you hear it."