Hail Mary and Hellfire

'Wait a minute...is that archer guy using [Chaos]?!,' Zhen Liu realized when he focused his senses on the weird fluctuations he was sensing. He couldn't help but be a bit peeved at this point, because it seemed like he was running into one person after another that seemed to share his ability of using [Chaos]. Granted, the incidents were weeks to months apart, and the only reason why his great grandaunt and that one creepy dude from the Fallen Clan was able to use [Chaos] was due to a "kaijin transplant", but still.

However, once Zhen Liu calmed himself down and began to focus even further on the sensation of [Chaos], he noticed that the power being exhibited by Azida was...significantly weaker than what he was used to sensing in the kaijin, the Parasinner, himself or even the orphans he left at the library. If he had to compare the man's [Chaos] capacity to anything he knew, it would be comparable to that of a simple zako.