Fire Fight


'Shut up.'

∆Would you care to explain...∆

'Please shut up.'

[I'm not saying anything, manager.]

'Thank you, Scream-'

[What kind of line is, "Make it worth my while"?!]




=Oh, we should probably mention that your [Ghost Flames] should be able to deal with this guy's purple flames. Call it an educated guess.]

'No solid information?'

∆We have like a dozen entries on natural and artificial aether flames that take on a purple hue. We can probably give you a more solid the longer you fight that guy.∆

'Got it. Might as well try using these [Ghost Flames] for a proper fight this time. Also, thank you hammer for turning my club into an axe instead of a sword. How'd you know I prefer to use those?'


'Fair enough.'


"What the fuck..."

"Who...who the hell is that?!"