Fire(s) in my soul

[Okay, so you're moving a little faster than before,] Nepherage observed. [The last time this happened was when you and Zhen Liu worked together to absorbed that [Ghost Flame] bomb. Meaning that whatever is going on with our lord has to do with him trying to...wait a connection has gotten a lot weaker all of a sudden. Frosttusk, are you still connected?]

[Yes. If anything, it has gotten stronger than before and I'm starting to feel fast enough that I think I can outpace.]

[Uh oh...]

[Pardon my forwardness, but I'm going to have to give you a piggyback so we can hurry the fuck up.]

[What the fuck?]

___Back in the arena, just moments ago...__

=Temporary heat release has been added to your connection to Frosttusk, milord. Any excess heat generated by you attempting to absorb the [Violet Berserker Spring Flame] will now be rerouted to him.=.