Demon Riot: Observer POV

In the world of spycraft and information dealing, there are precisely three locations in every city that someone must know inside and out in order to be survive and thrive.

Incidentally, all three places are related to man's greatest vices.

The first location is a brothel, where whispers of sweet nothings are often mixed with dirty little secrets.

In taverns old and bars so grand, gluttony and sloth tend to be hand in hand, as full bellies and tired minds tend to be connected to loose lips.

Lastly, the arenas and colosseums are the only places where the prideful, wrathful and envious lay out their grievances for all to see, all for the benefits that come with being greedy.

Sins and secrets tend to be one in the same, in my point of view. Then again, maybe I'm full of shit.

--A musing from the writings of Captain Diortte de Illusia, a pirate who once stole and sold an entire kingdom.
