Out of my Body, but not out of my Mind.

Meanwhile, as things were about to go down in the Library of Nowhere's newly minted labyrinth...

"Mistress Daria? Is everything al-"

"No time for chit-chat, Jin Fang. I need you and your friends to accompany me as we take Tiny to the Library of Nowhere, this instant."

"Wait, what?"

"Ah...that explains some things about Xiao Liu."

"How does she know about-"

"I'm his mother, you really think I wouldn't know about this?"

"I don't know, I didn't have a mother to use as an example for...whatever this is."

"Oh, you poor baby..."

"Meh. I have like...a dozen stepmoms and stepdads. I'm pretty sure at least half of them has someone spying on me."

"That...that is a whole a different issue..."


'Ow...why does my existence hurt?,' Zhen Liu muttered to himself as he rubbed his temples.