"Disciples" of Nowhere (1)

<=Spring Brawler...what the hell?=>

[Shut up, I'm improvising. Screamira, Hurricroak. You girls ready?]

[Yuppers! Unusually powerful senpai and kohai plan is a go. Just waiting for a good time to cut-in.]

[Are these human disguises really necessary? I feel so...exposed.]

[Was...was that a joke over the fact that you're actually made of bones or the fact that you're built like a brick house made of sexy?]



The best lies in the world have the following traits:

1. Just enough truth so that people think you're just misinterpreting facts at the very least.

2. Just enough details that people would get distracted and be unable to to separate fact from fiction.

3. A group of people that can affirm that the given lie was actually a shared truth.

Of course, it should be noted that having all three of these traits is about as rare as a royal flush.