A day at the Library- Part 2

"You know I actually don't need assistance getting around, right? I'm starting to get the feeling in my toes again, I swear."

"You say that, but you set yourself flying towards the skeletal remains of a bipedal dragon, less than a minute ago."

"I didn't crash."

"Still though."

Despite having gone off in random directions, the Zhen Clan scions had eventually opted to go off into teams of two, forming them on a first encounter basis.

It was under these conditions that led to Zhen Yue pushing Zhen Hai around in his wheelchair, after the latter almost gotten himself injured...again.

It was mildly annoying sure, but it was better than him accidentally hurting himself and angering the Temple of Nowhere people...moreso than they already had.

Their leader might've been cool with them poking around, but even the Zhen Clan scions knew that such organizations were anything but monolithic in their opinions.