Revelation is a mother-!


We interrupt this chapter to inform the reader that the following scene has been removed because it has been deemed, to quote, "too damn boring and repetitive at this point."

To those wondering what was going to happen, Zhen Tai was going to attempt to talk Rachel (Razorstella) again, and get completely ignored, until Rachel simply got up from her seat and went to go do something else entirely.

With his spirit deflated, Zhen Tai would get comforted by his cousin, Zhen Guo, and the two of them would go on to meet Simone (Screamira), who would help direct them to some compatible aether arts and skill books.

She would then go on to provide the two of them some sagely advice which translated to: confidence in oneself is how one gets a partner...or something like that.

We will now be shifting the story back to...Zhen Liu entering the interrogation theater.

The one that contains his mother and a distressed Spring Brawler.