Delays, Departures and Deep Connections

|Spirit Body Stabilization at ninety percent. ETA until normal function resume: two hours.|


"Well then, that's enough emotional trauma dumping today," Daria said after stating what little philosophy she knew in regards to [Chaos] and essentially cutting open a scar that she thought healed a long ass time ago. "I believe now would be an excellent time for you to do a little sharing as well, my darling baby boy."

"Of...wait, what am I sharing?"

"Don't you remember? I wanted to know what this, 'psychological torture' thing consisted of exactly."


Despite understanding that it was only fair for him to share some personal stuff after his mother had done the same, Zhen Liu really didn't like the idea of showing he got people to metaphorically spill their guts in front of his mother.

Hell, he could only imagine how badly the girls would react if they saw him act like a megalomaniac.