Weird little moments


We interrupt this chapter to inform the reader that instead of doing an entire chapter in Zhen Liu acting like a spaz over something like a new spiritual brain buddy, the writer has opted to sprinkle his thoughts into more interesting scenes elsewhere in the library.

It'll make sense later.

Thank you.



"And darling's cousins are...out of here! I was fairly certain that they'd have to be rendered them unconscious before they'd leave, thankfully that didn't happen."

"Eh. I was kind of hoping to see them get their butts kicked. I don't dislike them, but... it'd be kind of interesting to watch."


In the private Kaijin Consort room, Rianna, Jin Fang and Jinju Ren had managed to convince Logos and Pathos to modify the place to include the ability to check out other parts of the library other than the interrogation theater.