Stress is a universal truth

'What in the Abyssal Depths is going on today?,' Patarich Zhen Shi grumbled while reading over the report of the day's events.

Just a short few moments ago, his children and grandchildren had delivered their own reports of today's massive chain of events. More specifically, they shared their version of the events that everyone in Stone Claw City was talking about.

'A part of me misses the days when we were one of three major powers in the area...then again, fuck the Wolfes...,' Zhen Shi mused as his mind wandered to a not-so distant past of about half a year ago.

When Zhen Shi and his clan returned from Roaring Tide to their new station in the frontier, he assumed he'd have a couple of quiet days that would allow him to mentally digest everything...but nope!