Once More into the Rift


[What the heck?]

[Frosttusk, why am I sensing your particular brand of Chaos but...angrier?]

[Think... Patriarch...Zhen...Shi...not...in...a...good...mood...]

[Oooh...should we wake the maestro up for this?]

[Nah, let him sleep. We got a big day tomorrow anyways.]



In the dead of night, the Fourth Young Master of the Zhen Clan stirred from his sleep.

Not because he sensed something was wrong...but because he needed to use the restroom.

"Freaking a..."

That said, he did have an inkling that something was going on, but he was too damn tired to give a shit.

"Toilet to the right..."

Besides, he had to be somewhat cheerful due to tomorrow's activities.

________Eight little hours later, because people actually sleep healthy in this world...___


"Hermit Zhong Wei..."

"Why do you guys have black eyes?"