...Dragons learn to change.

"You know, the next time you two decide to duke it out, you should invite the other members of the clan to watch," Jinju Ren commented as she walked ahead of the two elderly masters. "That way we can have a more concrete pecking order beyond a pair of black eyes."

"She is surprisingly impertinent."

"Reminds you of your princess?"

"A bit."

[Why do I keep forgetting my lord's taste in women is genetic?]

Out of the five groups being sent to explore the [Monkey's Temple], the one consisting of Patriarch Zhen Shi, Hermit Zhong Wei, Princess Jinju Ren and a special "puppet", had arguably the hardest yet easiest treasure to acquire.

Easy in the sense that they didn't have to deal with too many things on the way to the pond, hard in the sense that they were in a hell of a fight once they arrive.

"Damn...you weren't kidding about this place being as serene as a grave. How unsettling."