An Enemy of my Own Making this the last side chapter?

|It was...but then we decided to skip.|

Good, because I am getting...wait a minute, what?

|The entire chapter was going to be just about Jinju Ren, the two elders and Nepherage poking and prodding what was essentially a dragon beast's cocoon the entire time, which can be condensed into a paragraph or half a chapter. So, we're going to go back to Zhen Liu because he's about to deal with something more interesting.|

Which is...

|Check the script.|

Alright, let's see here...oh.

Well then...this is going to be interesting...


{In mere moments, the last vestiges of your life will disappear, so I ask you again. What is it you desire?}

Besides living, you mean?

{That should go without saying. Yes, besides living.} about revenge on the squishy humans that forced me into this situation?


No good?